Long to be the subject of my creative escapades? Let’s plan a masterpiece of sensual abandon. New suitors, please complete the following form to request a date.

I can screen you for my safety one of two ways. Glowing references from two fellow providers you’ve seen in the past year are ideal. But if you’re new to this world, it would be my pleasure to defile you. Work verification is the alternative; you must provide a photo of your government-issued Id, your employment information, and a blank outgoing message from your business account to a discreet email address I reserve for this purpose. 

I have a unique screening system for legitimate celebrity clientele. Please inquire.

Rest assured, I protect your privacy tooth and nail. This is why I encourage all suitors to sign up for Protonmail [link to sign up]. It only takes a minute, and ensures our correspondence is end-to-end encrypted.


  • Approach this introduction like you would on any other dating site. My limited calendar favors the thoughtful. 
  • Like a reservation at an exclusive restaurant, a date with me is best secured in advance. Anticipation is all part of the delicious fun!

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